Critique yourself - Rehearsal

Geplaatst door Ivo Boudewijns Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last time in the 'Critique yourself series' we talked about the proper preparation for a radioshow. If you haven't read it, please scroll down and don't miss the first part of this series.
2. Rehearsal
This time we're talking about rehearsal. Lots of air talents I meet, think it's strange or stupid to rehearse something or they think they're good enough to just go ahead and put it on the air. Or it would inhibit spontaneity! Ofcourse you want spontaneity but you want calulated spontaneity. It's up to you to make the rehearsed material sound as if you've just thought of it.

The same thing as with preparation, everyone needs rehearsal! What do you think Tiger Woods does when he isn't playing competition or what a muscician does when he's not on stage? Right, he's rehearsing!
Practicing what he or she is going to do later so you can get better at it or even detect some things that seemed right when you thought of it but just don't work when you would put it on the air. Don't take the risk of confronting your listeners with something you could've known it wouldn't work by simply rehearsing it.

There's a big chance that the first time you do or say something it is not the best way to do or say it. So take your idea or voice-break and polish it, make it perfect by speaking it out loud. All the flaws will become eveident when you rehearse the break at least once or twice. When rehearsing try to get your point across to the listener as clearly and concise as possible. Also try to think about how you position the station, maybe do a tease for the website or how to talk up to the phone bit you've got lined up. Critique yourself on these points you want to be perfect in your break. Check if you are brief, bright, natural sounding, logical, relating to your audience and personal.

When you go live with the rehearsed stuff don't be afraid if you don't do it exactly as rehearsed. Main thing is how you get into and out of the break. Make sure you already know how you wanna get the listeners attention and where you wanna go with your piece or story. Afterwards check again if you were brief, bright, natural sounding, logical, relating to your audience and personal.

Finally when rehearsing something pre-recorded, get someone else at the station to listen in or ask a friend or family that's in your station's target to give their opinion about a bit you're thinking about to do.

Next time we'll talk about station ID-ing and station positioning. It's not just mentioning the station's name, it's about creatively working in the station's name in your program. So the listener will remember what they listened to without irritating them with yet again that name.

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