Imaging Clean up

Geplaatst door Ivo Boudewijns Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Aaahh don't you like it, the days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter and you've finished all special summer imaging elements that your PD aksed for. Finally some time to relax...sounds tempting huh?

Think again! This is the perfect time for you to screen all of your imaging elements for the fall season. Get ahead by conducting a thorough screening of all ID's, sweepers, jock elements, toth-segues etc. Do they still sound fresh? Do they still comunicate the station's brand the way they're supposed to? Is the energy level still compliant to the station's needs? And does the VO deliver the desired sound?

Start by forming an outlay of all sorts of imaging you feature on your station. Divide them in categories and label these with certain purposes and put each element in a categorie. Now you have a good overview of your complete imaging arsenal.

Check the balance between eacht category. For instance, do I have to much short ID's in comparison to the long brand descriptive positioners. Ask yourself if you really need everything that is on this outlay? Less is more! Check what you could lose without hurting the station's positioning. Anything that doesn't help the listener to understand what you are, what you do and what sort of feeling the station is about, can go out the window. Also check for unused stuff and lose it, it's time to clean up!

Get together with your PD or brandmanager and inventorize what elements could be replaced or enhanced to give the station that fresh sound for the fall season. Try to understand what he or she is trying to accomplish with the station and translate it in imaging.

Focus on:
These are the elements that brand your station. Let the listener know, hear and FEEL what your station is about. Don't tell 'em "the best of the 70's, 80's, 90's and today" or something obsolete as "the best mix of yesterdays classics and todays best hits". That's just ingredients, you can work that in your music image promo's.

Positioners need to relate to real life benefits; how does your station assist the listener in their busy day. Is it with uplifting music that makes you happy, accurate news and service info that keeps you up to date or entertainment that makes you laugh? Be one with your PD or brandmanager on what selling points you want to expose in the positioners. But always focus them on feelings, emotions, fears and needs and how your station can help the listener with that!

I recommend starting with 10 positioners, use some dayparted for relating to the listeners daily routine. Then as you go into the third week of the season, throw some out and replace them by fresh new ones.

Here's where you need to get creative in a more productional way. ID's often just identify the station and nothing more so textual you can't really jump out of the box here. One way to stand out is to re-think the deliverance of the ID. Does it nescesarily have to be the VO that says the call letters or station name? Maybe you can have it said by different listeners every hour, throw in the place he or she listens to your station and also made it local. Or have your core artists say the station's name and area or city you transmit for.

Imaging Promo's
Ever listened to the commercials on your station? They're getting better every day. So be sure the commercials for your station are even better. Because just like commercials are selling a product, promo's are selling your station! Be very cautious when you start building an image promo. Find out what your PD's opninion is on what to sell and try to work that in a masterpiece. Always focus on one benefit of the station per promo. Don't try to squeeze in to much information; only one message for each promo.

Music Image Promo's
Of course here you want to spotlight what is important for your listener musically. Get together with your PD and MD and brainstorm on this. Does your listener really care that you play "the best of the 90's and today"? Or does he or she want to hear the FEELING of the 90's and today's music? Even with music promo's try to relate to what your listener is experiencing on a ordinary day.

Feeling Promo's
What sort of feeling does the station have overall? Is it a fun station, obnoxious or is is it the station to relax to and is safe for your children to listen to. Make these promo's a collage of everything that confirms that image.

Local Promo's
It has never been so important as now to be local. An iPod or any other MP3 Player for sure isn't local, so claim this position. People love something that is from around the block, something that's 'ours'. Make these promo's about how your station is unique and important to your market.

Toth segue elements
Most US stations have this worked in to their ID's but often European stations have a Top of the hour that introduces news or the start of a new hour of programming. Does this key positioner sell the most important benefits of you station? Does it reflect the feeling of the station? And ask yourself, aren't we doing the segue around the Toth for way too long in the same old fashion? Can you make it make it fresher by rearranging the elements. Do something completely different with the music and fx mix or for example rearrange the parts of your VO versus other voice elements.

Jock elements
Beds, drones, fillers, whistles and bells...the jocks love 'em. But does the listener? Moderation is a good advice. Be sure the elements are in tune with the music format of the station and provide elements in three basic energy levels like uptempo, medium and slow. Keep this category fresh and prevent them to burn out.

I hope you'll get some inspiration from this to clean up your imaging. Good luck!

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