Summer spice

Geplaatst door Ivo Boudewijns Wednesday, July 15, 2009 0 reacties

Getting your music scheduling ready for the summer? How do you handle those spice summer songs? You could fit them in manually after compiling your log but that takes a lot of time. Then there's the option of creating an extra category of summer songs but how do you implement that in a clock in order to work?

If you want to spice up your playlist with summer songs, don't want to spend extra time massaging your log and still want to have a degree of control over those summer titles then consider creating an extra summer folder in your music scheduler for each era category. Then adjust what percentage per hour, per era category should come from the main folder and how much should come from the summer folder and there you have the easiest way to summer spice up your playlist. Just don't forget to adjust the settings to 100% main folder when the summer is over or the weather is bad anyway. If you're handling your spice songs in a different way, feel free to share your solution.

In addition to the original piece a question from a collegue music director. He followed the advice but it resulted in too much summer songs playing in one hour. Ofcourse that can be prevented by sound coding all your summer songs with a label like 'Summer', then adjust the settings for the policy to your liking. For example maximum 2 songs in 60 minutes with that specific coding. You can also add a minimum separation between songs with that same sound code to prevent them from playing both titles in one quarter hour an create a more spread play.

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